This addon allows you to create an in-game wealth leaderboard for factions based on the amount, level, stack size, and time placed of spawners in faction claims.
Configuration - config.json
Copy {
"spawnerValueMap": [
"name": "blaze",
"baseValue": 1000.0,
"upgradeValueMap": {
"SPEED": [
"key": 1,
"value": 100.0
"key": 2,
"value": 200.0
"key": 3,
"value": 300.0
"key": 4,
"value": 400.0
"key": 1,
"value": 100.0
"key": 2,
"value": 200.0
"key": 3,
"value": 300.0
"key": 4,
"value": 400.0
"enabled": true
"name": "guardian",
"baseValue": 1000.0,
"upgradeValueMap": {
"SPEED": [
"key": 1,
"value": 100.0
"key": 2,
"value": 200.0
"key": 3,
"value": 300.0
"key": 4,
"value": 400.0
"key": 1,
"value": 100.0
"key": 2,
"value": 200.0
"key": 3,
"value": 300.0
"key": 4,
"value": 400.0
"enabled": true
"includeMemberBalances": true,
"recalculateEveryXMinutes": 30,
"nerfSpawnerValuePercentage": 50.0,
"factionsPerPage": 9
Configuration - lang.json
Copy {
"ftopLeaderboardHeader": [
" ",
"c:&e&l** &c&lFaction Top Leaderboard &e&l** &7&o(( Hover for Info ))",
" "
"ftopLeaderboardHeaderHover": [
"&c[!] Factions Top Leaderboard",
" ",
" &f&lFactions Top Information »",
" &f&l* &cLast Recalculated: {last-recalc-time}",
" &f&l* &cSpawners Counted: {spawners-counted}",
" &f&l* &cFactions Counted: {factions-counted}",
" &f&l* &cRecalculation Time: {recalc-time}",
" &f&l* &cTotal Value: ${server-total}",
"placementFormat": "&7[&e!&7] #{position} {faction-name} &f- &a${current-value} &7({total-spawners}x Spawners)",
"placementHoverHeader": [
"&c[!] Factions Top Breakdown for {faction-name}",
" ",
" &f&lFaction Information »",
" &f&l* &cFaction Leader: {faction-leader}",
" &f&l* &cRichest Member: {richest-member} &7(${richest-member-balance})",
" &f&l* &cCurrent Value: ${current-value} &7({potential-percentage}% of potential value)",
" &f&l* &cPotential Value: ${potential-value}",
" &f&l* &cBalance Value: ${balance-value}",
" ",
" &f&lSpawner Values »"
"spawnerValueFormat": " &e* &f{spawner-type} Spawner &c{spawner-count}x &7(${spawner-value})",
"placementClickCommand": "f show {faction-name}",
"recalculationStartMessage": {
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" ",
"c:&e&l** &c&lFactions Top Recalculation &e&l**",
"c:&7Starting FactionsTop recalculation...",
" "
"recalculationFinishMessage": {
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" ",
"c:&e&l** &c&lFactions Top Recalculation &e&l**",
"c:&7Completed recalculated {time}ms &o( {spawners}x Spawners )",
" "