This addon allows servers to schedule "Harvest Events" in which players compete to farm the most cane during the event. There are individual reward systems for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners along with participation awards!
Commands and Permissions
/harvestadmin start
Force start a harvest event.
/harvestadmin stop
Force stop a running harvest event.
View current event leaderboard
Configuration - conf.json
"mode": "RAW",
"keepMenuForXMinutesAfterEventEnd": 10,
"placementFormat": "&f&l * &c&l#{position}&f {name} with &c{amount}&f cane harvested!",
"placementHeader": "c:&f&lCurrent Event Leaderboard... &7&o(Reminder {remainder})",
"placementHeaderEventOver": "c:&f&lCurrent Event Leaderboard... &7&o(Event Over)",
"announceLeaderboardWhenEventEnds": true,
"announceLeaderboardPositions": 3,
"firstRewardCount": 1,
"firstRewards": [
"key": "eco give %player% 1000",
"value": "You got $1000 for coming in first in the Harvest Event!"
"secondRewardCount": 1,
"secondRewards": [
"key": "eco give %player% 800",
"value": "You got $800 for coming in second in the Harvest Event!"
"thirdRewardCount": 1,
"thirdRewards": [
"key": "eco give %player% 500",
"value": "You got $500 for coming in third in the Harvest Event!"
"doRewards": true,
"doParticipationRewards": false,
"participationRewards": [
"key": "eco give %player% 100",
"value": "You got $100 for participating in the Harvest Event"
Configuration - messages.json
"eventNotRunning": {
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
"&cHarvestEvent is not currently running."
"eventStartMessage": {
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
"c:&f[&c&l!*&f] &cCane Harvest Event Has Begin! &f[&c&l!&f]",
" ",
"c:&fHarvest as much can as possible before the event ends!"
"eventFinishMessage": {
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
"c:&f[&c&l!*&f] &cCane Harvest Event Has Ended! &f[&c&l!&f]",
" ",
"c:&fEvent rewards will be handed out shortly!"
"reminderMessages": {
"1": {
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
"&f[&c&l!&f] &fHarvest Event ends in 1 second..."
"2": {
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
"&f[&c&l!&f] &fHarvest Event ends in 2 seconds..."
"300": {
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
"&f[&c&l!&f] &fHarvest Event ends in 5 minutes..."
"3": {
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
"&f[&c&l!&f] &fHarvest Event ends in 3 seconds..."
"600": {
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
"&f[&c&l!&f] &fHarvest Event ends in 10 minutes..."
"60": {
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
"&f[&c&l!&f] &fHarvest Event ends in 1 minute..."
"30": {
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
"&f[&c&l!&f] &fHarvest Event ends in 30 seconds..."
"10": {
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
"&f[&c&l!&f] &fHarvest Event ends in 10 seconds..."