
  "debugMode": false,
  "defaultSpawnerActivationRange": 16,
  "defaultSpawnerSpawnRange": 3,
  "defaultThreadPoolSize": 10,
  "updatePlayerRangeEvery": 10,
  "callSpawnerBreakEvents": true,
  "callSpawnerPlaceEvents": true,
  "callSpawnerExplodeEvents": true,
  "callSpawnerUpgradeEvents": true,
  "callCachePreSpawnEvents": true,
  "backupSpawners": true,
  "backupKeepAmount": 40,
  "checkSpawnerLocations": true,
  "checkSpawnerLocationsEveryXMinutes": 10,
  "doDeepCheck": false,
  "saveSpawnersEveryXMinutes": 5,
  "spawnerKeepUpgradesWhenPickedUp": true,
  "allowSpawnerMining": true,
  "enableSpawnerUpgrades": true,
  "mainSpawnerMenu": {
    "title": "&cSpawner Menu",
    "layout": null,
    "size": 0,
    "contents": {
      "stackItem": {
        "display": {
          "displayName": "&c&l[!] &cManage Stack",
          "lore": [
            " ",
            " &c&l* &cClick to add or remove spawners from stack.",
            " "
          "type": "SPAWNER",
          "enchanted": true,
          "unstackable": false,
          "amount": 1,
          "enchants": {}
        "stackSize": 1,
        "slot": 16
      "upgradeItem": {
        "display": {
          "displayName": "&d&l[!] &dUpgrade Spawner",
          "lore": [
            " ",
            "&d&l* Click to upgrade this spawner",
            " ",
            " &d&l* Current Levels:",
            "   &d* Speed Upgrade: &aLevel {speed_level}",
            "   &d* Amount Upgrade: &aLevel {amount_level}",
            " "
          "type": "BEACON",
          "enchanted": true,
          "unstackable": false,
          "amount": 1,
          "enchants": {}
        "stackSize": 1,
        "slot": 10
      "infoItem": {
        "display": {
          "displayName": "&b&l[!] &bSpawner Stats",
          "lore": [
            " ",
            "&b&l* &fMob Type: &b{mob_type}",
            "&b&l* &fMobs Spawned: &b{total_spawned}",
            "&b&l* &fPlaced: &b{place_ago} ago",
            "&b&l* &fPlaced By: &b{placed_by}",
            "&b&l* &fStack Size: &b{stack-size}",
            " "
          "type": "BOOK",
          "enchanted": true,
          "unstackable": false,
          "amount": 1,
          "enchants": {}
        "stackSize": 1,
        "slot": 13
    "fillerItem": {
      "displayName": " ",
      "lore": [
        " "
      "enchanted": false,
      "unstackable": false,
      "amount": 1,
      "enchants": {}
  "upgradeSpawnerMenu": {
    "title": "&cSpawner Menu",
    "layout": null,
    "size": 0,
    "contents": {
      "amountItem": {
        "display": {
          "displayName": "&cSpawn Amount Upgrade",
          "lore": [
            " ",
            "&fCurrent Level: &c{current-level}",
            " ",
            "&fUpgrade: &c{upgrade-level}",
            "&f&lCost: &a{upgrade-cost}",
            "&f&lNew Amount: &c{value}",
            " ",
            "&7&o( Increases amount of mobs spawned )",
            " "
          "type": "REDSTONE",
          "enchanted": true,
          "unstackable": false,
          "amount": 1,
          "enchants": {}
        "stackSize": 1,
        "slot": 14
      "backItem": {
        "display": {
          "displayName": "&f<-- Back",
          "lore": [
            " "
          "type": "ARROW",
          "enchanted": true,
          "unstackable": false,
          "amount": 1,
          "enchants": {}
        "stackSize": 1,
        "slot": 18
      "speedItem": {
        "display": {
          "displayName": "&bSpawn Speed Upgrade",
          "lore": [
            " ",
            "&fCurrent Level: &c{current-level}",
            " ",
            "&fUpgrade: &c{upgrade-level}",
            "&f&lCost: &a{upgrade-cost}",
            "&f&lNew Amount: &c{value}",
            " ",
            "&7&o( Increases amount of mobs spawned )",
            " "
          "type": "SUGAR",
          "enchanted": true,
          "unstackable": false,
          "amount": 1,
          "enchants": {}
        "stackSize": 1,
        "slot": 12
    "fillerItem": {
      "displayName": " ",
      "lore": [
        " "
      "enchanted": false,
      "unstackable": false,
      "amount": 1,
      "enchants": {}
  "spawnerStackMenu": {
    "menuTitle": "&cManage Stack",
    "rows": 3,
    "layout": "FILLED"
  "spawnerStackMenuFiller": {
    "displayName": "&c",
    "lore": [],
    "enchanted": false,
    "unstackable": false,
    "amount": 1,
    "enchants": {}
  "spawnerStackMenuCurrentStackItem": {
    "display": {
      "displayName": "&c",
      "lore": [
        " ",
        "  &c&l* &cCurrent Stack Size: &f{stack-size}",
        " "
      "type": "SPAWNER",
      "enchanted": false,
      "unstackable": false,
      "amount": 1,
      "enchants": {}
    "stackSize": 1,
    "slot": 13
  "spawnerStackMenuRemoveOneIcon": {
    "display": {
      "displayName": "&c",
      "lore": [
        " ",
        "  &c&lRemove 1 Spawner from Stack",
        "  &cCost: {cost}",
        " "
      "type": "RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE",
      "enchanted": false,
      "unstackable": false,
      "amount": 1,
      "enchants": {}
    "stackSize": 1,
    "slot": 11
  "spawnerStackMenuRemoveAllIcon": {
    "display": {
      "displayName": "&c",
      "lore": [
        " ",
        "  &c&lRemove {stack-size} Spawner from Stack",
        "  &cCost: {cost}",
        " "
      "type": "RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE",
      "enchanted": false,
      "unstackable": false,
      "amount": 1,
      "enchants": {}
    "stackSize": 1,
    "slot": 9
  "spawnerStackMenuRemoveLastIcon": {
    "display": {
      "displayName": "&c",
      "lore": [
        " ",
        "  &c&lRemove Stack",
        "  &cCost: {cost}",
        " "
      "type": "RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE",
      "enchanted": false,
      "unstackable": false,
      "amount": 1,
      "enchants": {}
    "stackSize": 1,
    "slot": 10
  "spawnerStackMenuChunkFullIcon": {
    "display": {
      "displayName": "&c",
      "lore": [
        " ",
        "  &c&lThis chunk is already at its limit for {type} spawners...",
        " "
      "enchanted": false,
      "unstackable": false,
      "amount": 1,
      "enchants": {}
    "stackSize": 1,
    "slot": 17
  "spawnerStackMenuAddOneIcon": {
    "display": {
      "displayName": "&c",
      "lore": [
        " ",
        "  &cAdd 1 Spawner to Stack",
        " ",
        " &7Found {inv-count} spawners in your inventory.",
        " "
      "enchanted": false,
      "unstackable": false,
      "amount": 1,
      "enchants": {}
    "stackSize": 1,
    "slot": 15
  "spawnerStackMenuAddAllIcon": {
    "display": {
      "displayName": "&c",
      "lore": [
        " ",
        "  &c&lAdd {inv-count} spawners to stack!",
        " ",
        " &7Found {inv-count} spawners in your inventory!",
        " "
      "enchanted": false,
      "unstackable": false,
      "amount": 1,
      "enchants": {}
    "stackSize": 1,
    "slot": 16
  "spawnerStackMenuStackFullIcon": {
    "display": {
      "displayName": "&c",
      "lore": [
        " ",
        "  &c&lStack is already full!",
        " ",
        " &c&lYou cannot add more then {max-stack} spawners to a stack!",
        " "
      "enchanted": false,
      "unstackable": false,
      "amount": 1,
      "enchants": {}
    "stackSize": 1,
    "slot": 16
  "spawnOptimizationOne": true,
  "optimizationOneThreshold": 50,
  "spawnerSettings": [
      "mobName": "zombie",
      "speedLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 6.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 5.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 4.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "amountLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 2.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 3.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 4.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "mineCost": 100000.0,
      "chunkLimit": 100
      "mobName": "skeleton",
      "speedLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 6.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 5.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 4.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "amountLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 2.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 3.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 4.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "mineCost": 100000.0,
      "chunkLimit": 100
      "mobName": "blaze",
      "speedLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 6.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 5.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 4.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "amountLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 2.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 3.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 4.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "mineCost": 100000.0,
      "chunkLimit": 100
      "mobName": "enderman",
      "speedLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 6.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 5.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 4.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "amountLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 2.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 3.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 4.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "mineCost": 100000.0,
      "chunkLimit": 100
      "mobName": "pig_zombie",
      "speedLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 6.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 5.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 4.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "amountLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 2.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 3.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 4.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "mineCost": 100000.0,
      "chunkLimit": 100
      "mobName": "creeper",
      "speedLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 6.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 5.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 4.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "amountLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 2.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 3.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 4.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "mineCost": 100000.0,
      "chunkLimit": 100
      "mobName": "iron_golem",
      "speedLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 6.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 5.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 4.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "amountLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 2.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 3.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 4.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "mineCost": 100000.0,
      "chunkLimit": 100
      "mobName": "endermite",
      "speedLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 6.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 5.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 4.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "amountLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 2.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 3.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 4.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "mineCost": 100000.0,
      "chunkLimit": 100
      "mobName": "guardian",
      "speedLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 6.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 5.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 4.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "amountLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 2.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 3.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 4.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "mineCost": 100000.0,
      "chunkLimit": 100
      "mobName": "silverfish",
      "speedLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 6.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 5.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 4.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "amountLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 2.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 3.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 4.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "mineCost": 100000.0,
      "chunkLimit": 100
      "mobName": "villager",
      "speedLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 6.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 5.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 4.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "amountLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 2.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 3.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 4.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "mineCost": 100000.0,
      "chunkLimit": 100
      "mobName": "witch",
      "speedLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 6.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 5.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 4.5,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "amountLevels": {
        "1": {
          "newAmount": 2.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "2": {
          "newAmount": 3.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "3": {
          "newAmount": 4.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
        "4": {
          "newAmount": 5.0,
          "cost": 100000.0
      "mineCost": 100000.0,
      "chunkLimit": 100
  "chunkSpawnerLimits": true,
  "chunkSpawnerLimitsCountStacks": false,
  "spawnerItemName": "&b&l{type} Spawner",
  "spawnerItemEnchanted": true,
  "spawnerItemLore": [
    " ",
    "&bPlace spawner in claimed land to earn money.",
    " ",
    " &b&l*&f Spawn Speed: &bLevel {speed-lvl}",
    " &b&l*&f Spawn Amount: &bLevel {amount-lvl}",
    " ",
    "&7Right-Click for more info"
  "spawnerUnstackable": true,
  "doSpawnRandomization": true,
  "spawnRandomMin": 1000,
  "spawnRandomMax": 4000,
  "dropExtraSpawnersWhenGiven": true,
  "maxStackSize": 16,
  "defaultSpawnSpeed": 20,
  "defaultSpawnAmount": 1,
  "maxLevelMoneyPlaceholder": "&a$&k0000",
  "maxLevelPlaceholder": "&c&lMax",
  "levelUpFormat": "{current} ⟶ {next}",
  "upgradeCostFormat": "&a${amount} &7({cost} each x {stack-size} spawners)"

Last updated