
  "robotUpgradeCurrency": "TOKENS",
  "robotMenuTitle": "{display-name} Settings",
  "pickupRobotItem": {
    "display": {
      "displayName": "&8[&c&l!&8] &c&lPickup Robot",
      "lore": [
        " ",
        " &c* &7Click to pick this robot!",
        "&cWarning: Robot upgrades will be lost when picked up!"
      "type": "BARRIER",
      "enchanted": false,
      "unstackable": false
    "stackSize": 1,
    "slot": 16
  "collectRobotItem": {
    "display": {
      "displayName": "&8[&e&l!&8] &e&lCollect Robots &7(Click Here)",
      "lore": [
        "&7Click here to collect the orbs",
        "&6&lCOLLECTED:&f {value} Tokens"
      "type": "SUNFLOWER",
      "enchanted": false,
      "unstackable": false
    "stackSize": 1,
    "slot": 10
  "robotInfoItem": {
    "display": {
      "displayName": "{secondary}&l[!] {primary}&l {name} {secondary}&lROBOT",
      "lore": [
        " ",
        "{secondary}&l* {primary}&lHOURLY&8: &f&l{hourly} Tokens",
        "{secondary}&l* {primary}&lDAILY&8: &f&l{daily} Tokens",
        "{secondary}&l* {primary}&lWEEKLY&8: &f&l{weekly} Tokens",
        "&7&o(( &fUpgrade Robot&7 to earn more tokens! ))"
      "type": "AIR",
      "enchanted": false,
      "unstackable": false
    "stackSize": 1,
    "slot": 13
  "upgradeItem": {
    "display": {
      "displayName": "&e&lUpgrade Robot &7(Right Click)",
      "lore": [
        "&7Upgrade the amount of orbs you'll",
        "&7get each time it breaks a block!",
        " &6- &7Level:&e {next-level}",
        "&6- &7Level:&e {next-cost} Tokens"
      "type": "REDSTONE_TORCH",
      "enchanted": false,
      "unstackable": false
    "stackSize": 1,
    "slot": 49
  "lockedUpgradeItem": {
    "displayName": "&8[&b&l!&8] &b&lRobot Level {level}",
    "lore": [
      "&7Status: &c&lLOCKED"
    "enchanted": false,
    "unstackable": false
  "unlockedUpgradeItem": {
    "displayName": "&8[&b&l!&8] &b&lRobot Level {level}",
    "lore": [
      "&7Status: &a&lUNLOCKED"
    "enchanted": false,
    "unstackable": false
  "robotTypes": {
    "IRON": {
      "displayName": "&f&l*&8&l* &7&lIron Robot &8&l*&f&l*",
      "miningBlock": "IRON_BLOCK",
      "helmetMaterial": "IRON_BLOCK",
      "collectCommand": "token give %player% %amount%",
      "doDecimalValues": false,
      "robotItem": {
        "displayName": "&f&l*&8&l*  &7&lIRON ROBOT &8&l*&f&l*",
        "lore": [
          " ",
          "&7&l* &7Place in your land to begin mining tokens!"
        "type": "SKELETON_SPAWN_EGG",
        "enchanted": false,
        "unstackable": false
      "armorColor": {
        "r": 146,
        "g": 150,
        "b": 147
      "levels": {
        "inceaseCost": {
          "1": 100.0,
          "2": 200.0,
          "3": 300.0,
          "4": 400.0,
          "5": 500.0,
          "6": 600.0,
          "7": 700.0,
          "8": 800.0,
          "9": 900.0,
          "10": 1000.0,
          "11": 1100.0,
          "12": 1200.0,
          "13": 1300.0,
          "14": 1400.0
        "increaseAmount": {
          "1": 100.0,
          "2": 200.0,
          "3": 300.0,
          "4": 400.0,
          "5": 500.0,
          "6": 600.0,
          "7": 700.0,
          "8": 800.0,
          "9": 900.0,
          "10": 1000.0,
          "11": 1100.0,
          "12": 1200.0,
          "13": 1300.0,
          "14": 1400.0
      "primaryColor": "&7",
      "secondaryColor": "&8"

Last updated