
  "collectorItem": {
    "displayName": "&b&lSupreme Collector",
    "lore": [
      " ",
      " &b* &7Place in your claims to collect mob drops instantly!",
      " "
    "type": "BEACON",
    "enchanted": true,
    "unstackable": false
  "collectorBlockType": "BEACON",
  "sellOnBreak": true,
  "transactionKeepHistory": 10,
  "hologramUpdateTimerSeconds": 5,
  "collectorSaveTimerMinutes": 5,
  "dropMap": {
    "ENDERMAN": {
      "display": {
        "display": {
          "displayName": "&b&lEnderman Drops",
          "lore": [
            " ",
            "&b*&7 {amount-stored} stored",
            "&b*&7 Value ${value-stored}",
            " "
          "type": "ENDER_PEARL",
          "enchanted": true,
          "unstackable": false
        "stackSize": 1,
        "slot": 10
      "amountPerMob": 2,
      "pricePreItem": 4.2,
      "minSpawnAmount": 1,
      "maxSpawnAmount": 3
    "SKELETON": {
      "display": {
        "display": {
          "displayName": "&b&lSkeleton Drops",
          "lore": [
            " ",
            "&b*&7 {amount-stored} stored",
            "&b*&7 Value ${value-stored}",
            " "
          "type": "BONE",
          "enchanted": true,
          "unstackable": false
        "stackSize": 1,
        "slot": 12
      "amountPerMob": 2,
      "pricePreItem": 1.2,
      "minSpawnAmount": 1,
      "maxSpawnAmount": 4
    "ZOMBIE": {
      "display": {
        "display": {
          "displayName": "&b&lZombie Drops",
          "lore": [
            " ",
            "&b*&7 {amount-stored} stored",
            "&b*&7 Value ${value-stored}",
            " "
          "type": "ROTTEN_FLESH",
          "enchanted": true,
          "unstackable": false
        "stackSize": 1,
        "slot": 14
      "amountPerMob": 2,
      "pricePreItem": 1.1,
      "minSpawnAmount": 1,
      "maxSpawnAmount": 4
    "CREEPER": {
      "display": {
        "display": {
          "displayName": "&b&lCreeper Drops",
          "lore": [
            " ",
            "&b*&7 {amount-stored} stored",
            " "
          "type": "TNT",
          "enchanted": true,
          "unstackable": false
        "stackSize": 1,
        "slot": 16
      "amountPerMob": 2,
      "pricePreItem": 0.0,
      "minSpawnAmount": 1,
      "maxSpawnAmount": 4
  "collectorMenuSize": 3,
  "collectorSettingsSize": 1,
  "collectorMenuFiller": {
    "display": {
      "displayName": " ",
      "lore": [
        " "
      "enchanted": false,
      "unstackable": false
    "stackSize": 1,
    "slot": 0
  "collectorSettingsFiller": {
    "display": {
      "displayName": " ",
      "lore": [
        " "
      "enchanted": false,
      "unstackable": false
    "stackSize": 1,
    "slot": 0
  "collectorMenuTitle": "&bSupreme Collector",
  "collectorSettingsTitle": "&bCollector Settings",
  "transactionLogFormat": "&e{place}# {player} sold {items} for {value} &7( {time} ago )",
  "transactionSpecial": "&e{place}# {player} deposited {items} TNT &7( {time} ago )",
  "noTransactionsDisplay": "&7No transaction founds...",
  "enablePlaceholder": "&a&lENABLE",
  "disablePlaceholder": "&b&lDISABLE",
  "hologramEnabledDefault": true,
  "collectorHologram": [
    "&b&l%placed-by%'s Collector",
    "&fCurrent Holding &b%total-items% &fworth &b$%value-stored%",
    "&7(( %total-items-collected% items collected total ))"
  "toggleHologramButton": {
    "display": {
      "displayName": "&bToggle Holograms",
      "lore": [
        "&7Click to {toggle-state}&7 this collectors hologram...",
      "type": "REPEATER",
      "enchanted": false,
      "unstackable": false
    "stackSize": 1,
    "slot": 2
  "transactionLogsItem": {
    "display": {
      "displayName": "&eRecent Transactions",
      "lore": [
        " "
      "type": "FILLED_MAP",
      "enchanted": false,
      "unstackable": false
    "stackSize": 1,
    "slot": 6
  "settingsButton": {
    "display": {
      "displayName": "&bCollector Settings",
      "lore": [
        "&7Click to manage collector settings & view logs.",
      "type": "COMPARATOR",
      "enchanted": false,
      "unstackable": false
    "stackSize": 1,
    "slot": 22

Last updated

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