"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &cYou do not have permission to do this!"
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &fYou gave &c{player} x{amount} {spawner}&f spawner(s)"
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &fYou were given &cx{amount} {spawner}&f spawner(s)"
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &cNo spawner found with that name!"
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" ",
" &7&l» &c{type} Spawner",
" "
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &cYour inventory is full! Spawner could not be picked up!"
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &cYou cannot mine spawner! Right-Click the spawner and click 'Pickup'"
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &c{type} Spawner&f placed. &7&o({x}x {y}y {z}z)"
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &cYou don't have enough money to do this!"
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &cYou've broken a Spawner!"
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &cYou cannot place spawners in &awilderness"
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &cYou cannot manage this spawner as someone else is already viewing it."
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &cOpening spawner menu..."
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &cCouldn't stack spawners! Levels Mismatch"
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &cCouldn't stack spawners! Wrong spawner type."
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &cSpawner {type} level higher then current stack!"
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &cSpawner {type} level lower then current stack!"
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &cCannot add spawner to stack! Stack is already upgraded!"
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &cAdded {amount}x {type} spawner to stack &7(Total {total}x)"
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &cRemoved {amount}x {type} spawner from stack &7(Total {total}x)"
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &cThis stack is already full..."
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &cThis chunk already has the max amount of {type} spawners allowed."
"type": "CHAT",
"message": [
" &7&l» &c{amount} stacked entities removed... {count} removed in total"
Last updated