
All placeholders require PlaceholderAPI to be used on your server.

New PlaceHolderAPI versions are mangled, make sure you are using Version 2.10.2 or below, any newer versions are broken.

Our Custom Placeholders require placeholderapi_ infront of them if you’re using it on a FeatherBoard etc, so it would look like this. If any other placeholders don’t work try adding placeholderapi_ in front of it as well. {factionsuuid_faction_discord_set}{placeholderapi_factionsuuid_faction_discord_set}

SupremeFactions Custom Placeholders




Is Faction Discord Set


Is Faction PayPal Set


Number of Faction Strikes a Faction Has


Faction Grace Time Remaining


Faction Grace Time Remaining Formatted (1h 22m Left)


Long value for time remaining (Seconds)


"&a&lProtected" : "&c&lUnProtected"


`Shield Not Set` or `Shielded From 1 -> 12`


Ending hour of shield


Starting hour of shield


true/false of shield status


Name of the faction leader

SupremeFactions Config Placeholders




List of allied factions


List of online faction members


List of enemied factions


List of truced factions


List of offline faction members


List of all faction alts


List of offline faction alts


List of online faction alts


Hoverable F-Strike information in /f show


Player’s group


Last time player was seen


Player’s balance


Player’s power


Player’s maximum power


Player’s all time kills


Player’s all time deaths


Faction Home’s x coordinate


Faction Home’s y coordinate


Faction Home’s z coordinate


Amount of faction’s chunks


Amount of faction’s warps


Top of /f show


Faction’s power


Factions’s max power


Amount of power boost


Faction Leader


Is faction open or not


Faction’s name


Player name


World faction home is set in


Is faction peaceful?


Is faction permanent?


Value of claimed land


Faction description


Time faction was created


Time since faction was created


Value if land is refunded


Faction’s bank balance


Amount of allies


Amount of enemies


Amount of truces


Number of faction alts


Number of offline alts


Number of online alts


Number of faction members online


Number of faction members offline


Number of faction members


Number of faction’s kills


Number of faction’s deaths


Number of players banned from faction


Faction’s discord


Number of faction’s strikes


Is shield on or off?


Max amount of warps


Max amount of allies


Max amount of enemies


Max amount of truces


Number of players factionless


Total players online

FactionsUUID Placeholders




The relation between the 2 players


Color of the relation between the 2 players


The player's name


Last time the player was seen on the server or their online status


Player's permission group


Player's money


Player's power


Max power a player can have


Kills by this player


Deaths by this player


Player's faction role


Player's faction role's name


Faction's tag


Faction's current power


Faction's max power


Faction's long description


Number of claimed chunks


Max Number of claimable chunks


Date your faction was founded


If your faction is allowing new members


If your faction is peaceful


Faction's current powerboost


Number of warps


If HCF features are enabled, shows if your faction is raidable


World of your faction's home


X coordinate of your faction's home


Y coordinate of your faction's home


Z coordinate of your faction's home


Total value of your faction's land


How much your faction would get if they refunded the land


Faction's bank balance


Number of allies


Number of enemies


Number of truces


Number of players online in your faction


Number of players offline in your faction


Total online and offline faction members


Total kills your faction has


Total deaths your faction has